The rise of the European champions 🇮🇪🏆
Dublin's Ranelagh captured an unexpected EUCF title in 2022. Here's the story of how they got there, plus LIVE frisbee from NZ
Last season we saw perhaps the biggest open division upset in European history as Ranelagh, a team that had lost enough consecutive games on streams that the team itself was making jokes about it, defeated the mighty Clapham and went away with gold medals. It was a performance for the ages for the Laghds, and one that capped the rise of a team created so that a smaller community could compete on a larger scale.
We have a documentary presented by Stef Rappazzo about that rise premiering tonight! It features interviews with Ranelagh players and leaders from today and from the formation of the club, as well as with observers and opponents who’ve seen the steps on the journey too. You can see the trailer here, and watch the video later on today!
We also have some live ultimate coming up this weekend! The New Zealand Ultimate Championships Division 1 will be taking place, with day one already in the books. Teams from across New Zealand will be competing alongside some of their Australian neighbours who’ve flown over to join the party. Tune in to see all the action from Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub in Christchurch, brought to you by our amazing local team! The full playlist for those games is here.
Things are hotting up! Full-time fris is getting ever closer, so expect to hear more from us in the very near future! Let us know what you think of the Ranelagh doc, and Kia Ora to everyone playing in Christchurch this weekend!